HarperCollins changed its e-book policy recently. Libraries that buy e-books from HarperCollins will be able to lend those e-books only 26 times. After that the e-book is dead.
HarperCollins says that this number is sufficient for a year of lending. Several librarians are reporting that many e-books check out much more than that.
But consider what HarperCollins says. Do you think that libraries should buy the same e-book every year? Do you think they are able to do this?
Consider physical books. We know that e-books can last longer than physical books, but do you really believe that physical books in a library only last one year?
Is this fair to libraries? Is this fair to readers?
I have several books from HarperCollins and I was making the AC’s fac-simile Collection and the AC’s Graphic Novels Collection, both from HarperCollins.
But I will not buy any book or e-book from HarperCollins until they start to respect libraries and readers.
I urge you to do the same.
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